
Biden criticizes Republicans after Senate blocks deal on border with Ukraine aid package

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US President Biden sharply criticized Republicans for blocking a bipartisan border deal and a foreign aid package that would have increased funding for Ukraine and Israel, accusing former President Trump of threatening lawmakers.

US President Joe Biden sharply criticized congressional Republicans during a fundraiser in New York on Wednesday after the GOP in the US Senate blocked a bipartisan border deal and foreign aid package, UNN reports citing CNN.


Biden said he "never thought I would see anything like what we're seeing on Capitol Hill" and accused his opponent, former US President Donald Trump, of calling and "threatening" lawmakers with "retribution" if they supported the package, which also includes increased US funding for Ukraine and Israel.

Republicans, as Biden said, "are leaving because Donald Trump is calling them and threatening them.

Bloomberg, in turn, notes that Biden expressed to donors "concern that Ukraine's allies are withdrawing support at a critical juncture in its war to repel Russia's invasion." 

Biden, according to Bloomberg, said during a fundraiser in New York on Wednesday that Russian President Vladimir Putin is "on his heels." "And what do we do? Do we retreat?" - Biden added.

The statements, made behind closed doors to donors on Manhattan's Upper West Side, were a preview of how Biden plans to use the failed border vote to his political advantage in the months ahead, CNN notes.

"Проблиски надії": NYT оцінило можливість просування у Сенаті США пакету допомоги Україні08.02.24, 08:57


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