
Austin agrees to testify at House hearing about his secret hospitalization

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Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin will appear at a House Armed Services hearing this month to answer questions about his decision to hide his recent hospitalization from senior national security officials. This was reported by Politico, according to UNN.


The Pentagon chief has agreed to testify on February 29, according to military spokeswoman Justine Tripathi.

The publication writes that the hearing will be controversial. Some Republicans argue that Austin should resign because the White House was not informed of Austin's hospitalization for at least three days.

In a letter last month, Rogers argued that public disclosure was necessary because Austin had failed to provide "candid and complete answers" to a series of written questions from the commission regarding the timing of his hospitalization and transfer of authority.

In his first public appearance since returning to work at the Pentagon, Austin apologized last week for his attitude toward his cancer diagnosis and subsequent hospitalization.

We did the wrong thing. I did the wrong thing

- Austin said during a press conference on February 1.


Lloyd Austin, 70, has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. In January, he needed a planned hospitalization, which he decided not to announce publicly, planning to return to work in a week as usual. Because of this, Republicans accused the minister of dereliction of duty. At the same time, current US President Joe Biden expressed his confidence in Austin, despite the fact that he made a mistake.

Рамштайн-18: Остін закликав "копати глибше" для надання Україні більше засобів ППО та перехоплення23.01.24, 16:00


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