
As of 1 p.m. there are no blocked Ukrainian units in Avdiivka, troops withdrew from their position on the southern outskirts of the city with minor losses - Tarnavsky

 • 21436 переглядiв

Ukrainian troops withdrew from their position on the southern outskirts of the city with minor losses, said Commander Tarnavsky

As of 13:00, there are no blocked Ukrainian units in Avdiivka, Ukrainian units withdrew from their positions on the southern outskirts of Avdiivka with minor losses, troops are also maneuvering to new positions in other threatened areas as needed, reported on Friday the commander of the operational and strategic grouping of troops "Tavria", Brigadier General Oleksandr Tarnavsky, UNN wrote.

As of 13:00, there are no blocked Ukrainian units in Avdiivka. In a difficult situation on the battlefield, when only ruins and a pile of broken bricks remain of the fortifications, our priority is to save the lives of our soldiers. Thus, Ukrainian units withdrew from their positions on the southern outskirts of Avdiivka with minor losses. In other threatened areas, if necessary, troops are also maneuvering to new prepared positions to continue to destroy the Russian occupiers and hold the city

- Tarnavsky wrote on Telegram.

Командувач Тарнавський заявив про рішення відійти з позиції "Зеніт" на південно-східній околиці Авдіївки: триває облаштування на нових позиціях16.02.24, 14:47

Julia Shramko



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