
Amid the heat wave, electricity will be cut off in three stages, with fewer restrictions until 1 p.m., imports and emergency assistance are planned

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Due to high electricity consumption amid the heatwave, Ukraine today introduced rolling blackouts in three phases and planned to import and provide emergency electricity from neighboring countries.

The power outage schedules are in effect today throughout the day and are being applied in three phases, with a reduction from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. At the same time, significant electricity imports from five countries are planned, as well as emergency assistance. This was reported on Tuesday by NPC Ukrenergo, UNN writes.


"Today, on July 2, regional power distribution companies will apply 3 stages of hourly outage schedules until 10:00 and from 13:00 until the end of the day. From 10:00 to 13:00, the scope of restrictions will be reduced to 2 stages of hourly outage schedules," the statement said.

The reason for the restrictions is that consumption continues to grow along with the heat. An average of 32 degrees Celsius is expected in Ukraine during the day, the company said. They also urged to consume electricity sparingly. Do not turn on powerful electrical appliances at the same time.

Emergency assistance

Yesterday, on July 1, in the evening, to reduce consumption restrictions and maintain reserves in the power system, Ukraine engaged emergency electricity supplies from Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia. Today, emergency supplies from neighboring European countries are also planned for the evening hours.

Import and export

Imports: during the day from Romania, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Moldova with a total volume of 30,796 MWh, with a maximum capacity of up to 1595 MW in some hours. Exports: none and not planned.


In the morning, 491 settlements remain without power supply.

Due to hostilities: new blackouts in Kherson and Donetsk regions.

For technical reasons and due to bad weather: consumers in Zhytomyr, Khmelnytskyi, Ternopil, and Lviv regions lost power. The technical reasons for the outages are related to the heat's impact on high-voltage equipment and power lines.


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