
According to the most optimistic forecasts, the number of Ukrainians by 2051 will be within 37-38 million people - demographer

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Even according to optimistic estimates, the number of Ukrainians as of 2051 will not exceed 37-38 million. This was stated by Svitlana Aksenova, a senior researcher at the Institute of Demography and Quality of Life Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, during a telethon, UNN reports .

When asked by a journalist how realistic was the government's forecast that Ukraine's population would decline to 25 million by 2051, Aksyonova replied:

There are many forecasts, but we do not have clear statistical information on which to base a reliable forecast. Therefore, there are numerous forecasts based on numerous assumptions - 25 million is only one of the possible options and it is far from pessimistic

According to her, there are some estimates that this figure could be as high as 22 million people.

“Even in the most optimistic forecasts, the number of Ukrainians is within 37-38 million people. We are not returning to the population that was at the beginning of the century,” she added.


According to the UN, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Ukraine's population has decreased by 25% due to refugees


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