Ukraine limits temporary stay of commercial vehicles to 60 days

Ukraine limits temporary stay of commercial vehicles to 60 days

Kyiv  •  UNN

December 15 2023, 05:37 PM  •  38369 views

Commercial vehicles are allowed to stay in Ukraine temporarily for up to 60 days; passenger vehicles - up to 20 days, as the State Customs Service reminds.

The term of temporary stay of commercial vehicles of commercial vehicles on the territory of Ukraine is now limited to 60 days. by law to 60 days, and vehicles engaged in passenger transportation vehicles engaged in passenger transportation have the right to stay in Ukraine for up to 20 days.  This was reminded by the State Customs Service, UNN reports .

To the attention of carriers! The term of temporary stay of commercial vehicles on the territory of Ukraine on the territory of Ukraine can reach up to 60 days 

- the State Customs Service warned.


The State Customs Service is constantly summarizing the legislative and regulatory framework governing customs in general and the implementation of customs procedures and formalities.

According to the agency, the risky periods of stay of vehicles in the customs territory of Ukraine vehicles in the customs territory of Ukraine are currently as follows:

60 days for vehicles transporting goods,

20 days for vehicles transporting passengers.

The State Customs Service noted that the establishment of the deadlines are necessary to form a unified approach to customs operations and to provide consistent recommendations for their managers.

In particular, the agency recommends that when determining the period of of temporary importation of a commercial vehicle to take into account the specifics of each particular transportation.  And in case of exceeding the specified time limits, it is necessary to to check the circumstances that caused such an excess.

These rules were approved by the State Border Guard Service after a thorough analysis of the Istanbul Convention, the Customs Code of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine "On Road Transport" on the issue of temporary stay of commercial vehicles of commercial vehicles registered outside Ukraine.