Increase in spending for the Defense Forces by almost UAH 500 billion: the Ministry of Finance told where the funds will be allocated

Increase in spending for the Defense Forces by almost UAH 500 billion: the Ministry of Finance told where the funds will be allocated

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 3 2024, 02:41 PM  •  23744 views

The Verkhovna Rada supported a bill to increase defense spending by UAH 495.3 billion in 2024. The funds will be distributed among the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the GUR, the SBU, and other law enforcement agencies.

The Verkhovna Rada has adopted as a basis the government's draft law that provides for an increase in the state budget by almost UAH 500 billion in 2024.

The Ministry of Finance told where the funds are planned to be allocated, UNN reports .


Today, on September 3, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine supported amendments to the state budget for 2024 to increase spending on the security and defense sector by UAH 495.3 billion. At the same time, the draft law on amendments to the Tax Code, which is systematically linked to the amendments to the state budget, was sent back for a second reading

- the message says. 

It is noted that almost UAH 500 billion is planned to be divided between:

The Ministry of Defense - UAH 355.6 billion;

MIA - UAH 108.1 billion, (in particular: National Police - UAH 15.2 billion; State Border Guard Service - UAH 41.9 billion; National Guard - UAH 48.2 billion; SES - UAH 2.8 billion);

UAH 18 billion for the State Special Transport Service;

The Defense Intelligence of Ukraine - UAH 7.5 billion;

The SBU - UAH 5.1 billion;

Foreign intelligence services - UAH 0.5 billion;

State Special Communications - UAH 0.3 billion;

The State Protection Department of Ukraine - UAH 0.1 billion.

These funds are planned to be raised by increasing the revenues of the general fund of the state budget by UAH 120.8 billion; reducing expenditures on servicing and repaying the state debt (UAH 115.4 billion); increasing the plan for placing domestic government bonds by UAH 216 billion; and reducing a number of expenditures in the general and special funds of the state budget by UAH 10.6 billion.


Today, on September 3, the Verkhovna Rada adopted as a basis the government's draft lawthat provides for a UAH 500 billion increase in the state budget in 2024.

Also today, the Rada failed to pass a bill to increase taxes by UAH 30 billion in the first reading with 224 votes in favor and 226 votes against. The document was sent back for a repeated first reading.