
We have preserved production and have an increase in the number of entrepreneurs - Brovary mayor about the business climate in the community during the war

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During the period of martial law, the number of various companies and individual entrepreneurs has increased in the Brovary community of Kyiv region. This was reported by the mayor of Brovary, Ihor Sapozhko, in a commentary to UNN.


In total, more than 18 thousand different business entities have been registered in the Brovary community so far. 

"Both in 2022 and 2023, the number of individual entrepreneurs in our hromada increased. Today there are more than ten thousand of them in our hromada. Last year we also saw an increase in the number of micro and small enterprises. In general, almost 95% of the business in our community is micro-entrepreneurship, which covers various areas of business activity: provision of household services, trade, restaurant and hotel business, transportation services, information and consulting services, and much more.

This means that, despite the full-scale Russian invasion and the difficult situation in the country, the residents of our community want to do business, pay taxes, and create new jobs. And we, as the authorities, must create comfortable conditions for this within our powers," said Igor Sapozhko.

Інфраструктурне забезпечення, допомога з пошуком робочої сили – економіст розповів, як влада громад може сприяти відкриттю нових підприємств16.10.24, 17:03

According to the mayor of Brovary, one of the key tasks in 2022 was to prevent the closure of the community's industrial enterprises.

Our companies produce food, beverages, clothing, textiles, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, rubber and plastic products, and wheeled vehicles. Before the full-scale invasion, more than a third of them were exporting to foreign markets. Russian aggression disrupted trade relations. Businesses could not ship products or receive raw materials on time, employees left for other regions of Ukraine or abroad, and several companies were damaged by enemy attacks. In the fall, blackouts added to all these problems. And I am grateful to all the managers and owners of the companies who managed to adapt to the new conditions and resume production. Moreover, some of them are setting up new production lines and warehouses

- said Ihor Sapozhko.

The mayor of Brovary added that the community authorities are doing their best to stimulate entrepreneurial activity. In particular, to this end, they hold electronic auctions for the sale of land lease rights and lease vacant communal premises. In addition, the city council actively engages international partners, various specialized organizations and foundations that implement business support projects in the community.


Brovary Mayor Ihor Sapozhko told UNNthat during martial law, 76 investment projects managed to attract more than UAH 466 million in investment and create almost 600 new jobs.   

Zakhar Podkidyshev



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