
"Ukrzaliznytsia to launch four more ambulances for the needs of the Armed Forces - Defense Ministry

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Ukrzaliznytsia will put four more ambulances on the tracks to evacuate wounded soldiers to rear hospitals, bringing the total number of medical cars to 62, and plans to deliver eight more cars by the end of 2024.

Soon Ukrzaliznytsia will put four more ambulances on the tracks to evacuate wounded and injured soldiers to rear hospitals. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Defense, UNN writes.


The ministry noted that these cars were converted from passenger cars by Ukrzaliznytsia. They have everything necessary to provide medical care to the wounded during the evacuation.

The cars are equipped with modern medical equipment, and all the details are thought out: from clothing for the wounded, tools for psychological relief, to an autonomous power supply system. 

I am sincerely grateful to everyone who is involved in this very important project. These cars save the lives and health of our servicemen, and I am very pleased to see that everything in them is done with high quality and modernity, taking into account the experience we have gained in recent years

- emphasized Natalia Kalmykova, Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine.


The Ministry said that since March 2022, Ukrainian railroaders have put 62 medical cars into operation, and by the end of 2024 they will have re-equipped eight more.

Medical equipment for the ambulances was donated by the Kolo Charitable Foundation.

Oxygen concentrators, patient monitors, medical pulse oximeters, and syringe pumps will help ensure continuous treatment of the wounded during evacuation

- said  Iryna Soloshenko, head of the Mobile Evacuation project at the Kolo Charitable Foundation.


Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Natalia Kalmykova signed memorandums of cooperation with five civil society organizations working in the areas of tactical medicine and rehabilitation of wounded soldiers. 


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