
Ukrzaliznytsia has scheduled additional flights between Kyiv, Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk

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Due to high demand, Ukrzaliznytsia has scheduled additional trains between Kyiv, Lviv, and Ivano-Frankivsk using new railcars.

Ukrzaliznytsia JSC has announced additional flights between Kyiv, Lviv, and Ivano-Frankivsk, which will consist exclusively of new railcars. This was reported by the company's press service on Telegram, UNN reports.

Although February is traditionally considered a "low" season for mobility, we are recording an increase in demand for travel on February 16-18. That is why we are already promptly scheduling additional flights between Kyiv, Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk, which will consist exclusively of new cars,

- the statement said.


The supply of seats on the route Kyiv - Lviv - Ivano-Frankivsk will be increased by train 195/196, which will depart from Kyiv on February 16 and 18 at 07:37, Lviv at 14:46 - 15:06, arriving in Ivano-Frankivsk at 18:18. The return trip will depart from Ivano-Frankivsk on February 16 and 18 at 19:25, Lviv at 21:54 - 23:05, arriving in Kyiv the next day at 06:19.

On February 16 and 18, train #192/191 Lviv - Kyiv will depart from Lviv to Kyiv, departing from the city of Lviv at 11:55 a.m. and arriving in the capital at 22:09 p.m.


In 2023, 84.6% of railway tickets were sold online through the services of Ukrzaliznytsia and its partners. The use of the Ukrzaliznytsia mobile application also increased by 23.2% to 37.9%.

За тими ж квитками на наступний поїзд: "Укрзалізниця" попередила про вихід для тих, хто спізнився на вокзал через затяжну тривогу29.12.23, 10:20


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