
Ukrainians who have been deregistered due to traveling abroad must personally come to the TCC to register

 • 42943 переглядiв

Citizens of Ukraine deregistered from military registration due to traveling abroad for more than 3 months must personally register at military commissariats by June 16, 2024, according to a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Ukrainians who have been deregistered from the military register due to traveling abroad for more than 3 months are required to personally arrive at the military registration and enlistment office by June 16 to be registered. This is stated in the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 560 of May 16, 2024, UNN reports .


Citizens of Ukraine who have been deregistered from the military register due to leaving Ukraine for a period of more than three months are obliged to register for military service within 30 days from the date of entry into force of the resolution by personally coming to the district (city) territorial centers for recruitment and social support, the SBU, relevant units of intelligence agencies of their choice

- the resolution says.

Also, foreign diplomatic missions will inform conscripts aged 18 to 25 who are registered with a permanent or temporary consular office.

During mobilization, foreign diplomatic missions should facilitate the return to Ukraine of persons liable for military service and reservists.


During mobilization or martial law , the certificate with a conclusion on fitness for military service is valid for one year.


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