
Ukraine's Foreign Ministry rejects the proposal for a referendum in Crimea under a UN mandate: “Crimea is Ukraine. Period”

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Ukraine's Foreign Ministry has reacted  to a Polish minister's proposal to place Crimea under a UN mandate in order to hold a "fair referendum" there. This was reported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, UNN reports.


The territorial integrity of Ukraine has never been and cannot be a subject for discussion or compromise. Crimea is Ukraine. Period

- , the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The Ministry emphasized that Ukraine is backed by its Defense Forces, international partners, the UN Charter and international law. Crimea is a key element of European security, and its full restoration is possible only after the liberation of the entire Ukrainian territory, including the temporarily occupied peninsula.

We expect further strong support from our partners to force Russia to return to respecting international law and the UN Charter, to withdraw its troops and weapons from all sovereign territory of Ukraine and restore its territorial integrity, and to hold Russia accountable for its aggression against Ukraine and for all its crimes

- the Foreign Ministry emphasized.

The ministry also called on the international community to focus all efforts on achieving these goals, rather than on meeting the Kremlin's demands at the expense of Ukraine's interests and violating international law.

In addition, the MFA recalled that the President of Ukraine has proposed a Formula for Peace, which defines a clear path to a just and lasting peace for Ukraine and the world. The MFA called on all those who support international law to join the implementation of this initiative as the only way to restore peace in Europe.


Polish Foreign Minister proposes to place Crimea under UN administration for a referendum. 

Сікорський запропонував передати Крим під мандат ООН для референдуму: в Меджлісі відреагували19.09.24, 16:56


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