
Ukraine did not ask to send troops, but we do not rule out anything - French Foreign Ministry

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The French foreign minister said that Ukraine has not asked for troops, but France does not rule out anything, including sending personnel to conduct demining operations in the coming months.

French Foreign Minister Stéphane Sejourne emphasized that the Ukrainian authorities did not ask his country to send troops, but asked to send ammunition. This was reported by Politico, according to UNN.


On Friday, the French foreign minister visited Lithuania, where he met with his Baltic and Ukrainian counterparts to support the idea that foreign troops could help Ukraine in areas such as demining.

Ukraine is not asking us to send troops. At the moment, Ukraine is asking us to send ammunition. We are not ruling anything out for the coming months,

- Sejourne noted.

According to the newspaper, the ministers of the Baltic states, in turn, supported France and its "out-of-the-box thinking.

The minister repeatedly mentioned demining operations as a possibility, saying that it "may mean having some personnel, but not to fight." According to him, it is not up to Russia to dictate how Western allies should help Ukraine in the coming months or years.

Russia should not organize how we deploy our actions or set red lines. We should decide this among ourselves,

- emphasized the French Foreign Minister.


On February 27, French President Emmanuel Macron saidthat there are no concrete plans to send Western forces to Ukraine, but that it cannot be ruled out.


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