
This year, the Ministry of Defense authorized 10 domestic robotic systems for use in the Armed Forces

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Since the beginning of the year, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has adopted more than 10 domestically produced robotic systems for the Armed Forces. Some of the systems have already successfully passed combat tests and have been highly appreciated by Ukrainian defenders.

Since the beginning of the year , the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has codified and authorized more than 10 domestically produced robotic systems for use in the Armed Forces. This was reported by UNN with reference to the Ministry of Defense.


The ministry emphasizes that modern technologies, such as drones and ground robotic platforms, help minimize contact with the enemy and protect the lives of the military. Robotization enhances the combat capabilities of the Ukrainian Defense Forces.

Since the beginning of the year, the Ministry of Defense has codified and authorized more than 10 domestically produced robotic systems for use in the army. (...) Ground robotic platforms are used as weapon carriers and for firing from cover. Some of the systems have already successfully passed combat tests and received high praise from Ukrainian defenders

- the Defense Ministry said.

На платформі Brave1 зареєстровано вже понад 1,8 тис. defense tech розробок 28.05.24, 14:21


Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov said that Ukraine has tested more than 50 robotic ground platformsincluding kamikaze drones, sapper robots, and unmanned systems for delivering ammunition and evacuating wounded soldiers.


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