
This is only beneficial to russia: Ukrainian Ambassador to Poland urges farmers to abandon border blockade

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Ukraine's Ambassador to Poland, Vasyl Zvarych, called on Poles to end the blockade of the border with Ukraine, which benefits russia by weakening the economies of both countries and Ukraine's defense capabilities against russian aggression.

Ukrainian ambassador to Poland Vasyl Zvarych called on Poles not to fall for russian propaganda and to end the border blockade. He published his appeal on his Facebook page, UNN reports.


The diplomat emphasized that farmers should abandon the blockade of the border, as it is harmful to both countries. 

The unjustified blockade of the border with Ukraine benefits neither Poland and Polish farmers in particular, nor Ukraine and its defense capabilities. The blockade of Ukraine in the context of russian aggression benefits only russia, which is currently enriching itself by increasing its exports of agricultural and food products to the European market

- said the Ambassador of Ukraine to Poland. 

According to him, Ukraine or Ukrainian agricultural products are the cause of the problems of Polish farmers. Zwarych emphasized that it is russia that conducts dumping policy and uses the food market as a hybrid weapon for the purposes of aggression against Ukraine.

Кулеба поговорив з головою МЗС Польщі про вирішення ситуації на кордоні і саміт по Україні в Парижі04.03.24, 17:21

The diplomat explained that in this way Moscow is trying to destabilize the global and European markets, weaken the economies of both Ukraine and European countries, and create anti-Ukrainian sentiment. 

Do not allow yourself to be further misled and succumb to propaganda aimed at sowing seeds of hatred in your community against everything Ukrainian. Do not allow yourself to be used to weaken Ukraine as it fights our common enemy

- the Ukrainian ambassador said in a statement. 


The ambassador emphasized that the blockade also affects Polish business, which actively trades with Ukraine and in 2023 exported twice as much to Ukraine as it exported from Ukraine to Poland. 

Вже були пошкоджені: посольство України у Польщі спростувало напад фермерів на автівки для ЗСУ04.03.24, 13:55

In addition, the protests and queues at the border caused significant damage to Ukraine - the economy lost about 2 billion zlotys (19 billion UAH), which is a serious blow to Ukraine's defense capabilities.


Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk threatens to tighten the embargo on Ukrainian food productsif the EU does not find a compromise to protect Polish farmers.


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