
"There is only one real way": Lubinets tells how to stop deportation of children from the occupied territories of Ukraine

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Sanctions cannot stop Russia, so the only way to stop the abduction of Ukrainian children from the occupied territories is de-occupation. This was stated in an interview with The Independent by Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets, according to UNN.


Lubinets said that Ukraine "does not know how to stop this deportation" without additional support from international partners, as well as "how to bring the Russians to justice.

There is no real system of protection and human rights in the modern world

- The Ukrainian Ombudsman is convinced. 

Lubinets was also skeptical of the sanctions imposed on Moscow, as, according to him, Russia has consistently violated the rights of Ukrainian civilians without fear of serious consequences.

Жителям ТОТ з українськими паспортами загрожує депортація - британська розвідка 11.03.24, 12:29

How can we believe in sanctions when we see Iran's position, for example

 ," he said.

According to him, Iran has been under sanctions for more than 30 years. And yet, the country still  produces a lot of weapons, which it also sells to Russia.

Sanctions? Really? We have to be realistic. We live in a situation where powerful countries can occupy territories in other countries without any punishment. This is the real situation of the modern world

- Dmytro Lubinets is sure.

The Ombudsman is convinced that the only way Ukraine can stop the illegal deportation of children to Russia is to liberate all the occupied territories.

"Огидно та жахливо" - Білий дім зробив заяву після розслідування FT, як кремль передає на усиновлення викрадених українських дітей13.06.24, 09:59

How to stop the deportation of Ukrainian children? I think we have only one real way to stop this. That is the liberation of all the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine

- summarized the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights.


The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has adopted a resolution calling for the recognition of the deportation of Ukrainian children by Russia as genocide. It also calls for an immediate end to the deportation and forced displacement of children and demands their return to Ukraine.


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