
The situation on the foreign exchange market is under control, risks associated with the war - Pyshnyi

 • 20394 переглядiв

The situation in the foreign exchange market is now under control, and Ukraine has successfully transitioned to a managed floating exchange rate regime without shocks, NBU Governor Andriy Pyshny said. The uncertainty that exists, according to the head of the National Bank, is related to security risks, and the war is a key factor that generates risks.

The IMF, the World Bank, and our partners have praised Ukraine's ability to move the national currency from a fixed exchange rate to managed flexibility - the situation on the foreign exchange market is now under control, with uncertainty associated with security risks.

NBU Governor Andriy Pyshnyi told this on the air of "United News", UNN reports .

The situation in the foreign exchange market is now under control. There is still uncertainty related to security risks. The uncertainty has become less because the US Congress has made a decision in principle and we hope to receive sufficient funding this year. However, the war is a key factor that generates risks of uncertainty and the needs of the Ukrainian budget. 

- said Andriy Pyshnyi, Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine

He also noted that "the IMF and the World Bank and our partners applaud Ukraine for the way we have managed to move the Ukrainian national currency from a fixed exchange rate to managed flexibility without shocks.

But for now, according to the NBU governor, "we are thinking about the best, but we are preparing for any scenario.


Foreign investors invested $4.25 billion in Ukraine's economy in 2023 , which is more than in 2016-2017but only half the level of 2022, First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Yulia Svyrydenko said on Thursday.


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