
The Ombudsman appealed to the UN and the Red Cross regarding new facts of bullying of Ukrainian prisoners

 • 52047 переглядiв

The Ombudsman appealed to the UN and the Red Cross to document the facts of bullying and ill-treatment of Ukrainian prisoners of war by the Russian military in the Kharkiv direction, which violates the Geneva Conventions.

The Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights sent official letters to the ICRC and the UN to document the facts of the destruction of Russian military personnel from Ukrainian prisoners in the Kharkiv direction. This was announced by Dmitry Lubinets in a Telegram, reports UNN.


He noted that the network is spreading a video in which the Russian military mocks Ukrainian prisoners of war. According to preliminary information, this happened in the Kharkiv direction. The video shows beatings, humiliations, threats, imitation of execution.

Unfortunately, such treatment of Ukrainian prisoners of war is not an exception to the rule, but a familiar tactic for the invaders

BP Commissioner for Human Rights

He stated that such actions are a violation of the Geneva conventions, according to which prisoners of war have the right to humane treatment.

The Ombudsman stressed that this case should be recorded as another proof of violation of international humanitarian law by the Russian Federation. He sent official letters to the ICRC and the UN to document the fact of bullying.

This will be another addition to the evidence base for the future Criminal Tribunal. Russia does not adhere to any rules of warfare and does not hesitate to demonstrate its brutal anti-human actions! The world must react to hold Russia accountable, otherwise the right of force will defeat the power of law!

Lubinets noted.

Якщо обміни військовополоненими не активізуються, Україна будуватиме четвертий табір для росіян – міністр юстиції31.05.24, 17:57


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