
The Netherlands ordered 9 DITA aircraft from the Czech Republic to help Ukraine

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The Netherlands orders 9 DITA anti-aircraft missile systems from the Czech Republic as part of its aid package to Ukraine.

The Netherlands has recently ordered nine DITA air defense systems from Czech manufacturers as part of a large Dutch order for Ukraine. The deliveries will be made by two arms manufacturers in the Czech Republic. This was reported by UNN with reference to the Dutch Ministry of Defense.


The DITA howitzer is a modern fire system capable of hitting targets at a distance of tens of kilometers. Ukraine is in great need of these weapons. That is why the Netherlands recently ordered 9 for the country

- the agency said in a statement.

The ministry noted that support for Ukraine remains a top priority for the Netherlands. 

Earlier, the Netherlands ordered 100 MR-2 anti-aircraft guns from the Czech Republic and, together with the United States and Denmark, 100 modernized T-72 battle tanks. 

The MR-2 anti-aircraft system is a simple mobile system that effectively destroys drones. The T-72 is a tank that is well known to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the agency said.

Нідерланди виділять Україні 100 млн євро на боєприпаси27.02.24, 00:06


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