
The head of the central bank of the Russian Federation was served with a notice of suspicion of facilitating the financing of the war against Ukraine

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The head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Elvira Nabiullina, has been suspected of facilitating the financing of the war against Ukraine and organizing the activities of Russian banks in the occupied territories. UNN reports this with reference to the Office of the Prosecutor General and the Security Service of Ukraine. 

Under the procedural supervision of prosecutors of the Prosecutor General's Office, the previously served suspicion was changed and a new suspicion was served to the head of the Central Bank of Russia on the facts of aiding in changing the boundaries of the territory and state border of Ukraine and aiding in the conduct of aggressive war (Part 5 of Art. 27, Part 2 of Art. 28, Part 2 of Art. 437 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine)

- , the OGP said in a statement.

According to the investigation, after the beginning of Russian aggression against Ukraine in February 2014, the suspect organized the development of legal acts that regulated the transition of the financial and banking systems of Crimea and Sevastopol to Russian control. She contributed to the termination of the Ukrainian banking system on the peninsula, instead organizing the work of Russian bank branches there . 

According to the SBU, Elvira Nabiullina was informed in advance about Putin's plans for a full-scale invasion and made decisions of the central bank that ensured military aggression.

Заморожені активи російського Центробанку: ЗМІ стали відомі подальші кроки ЄС13.08.24, 22:12

After the large-scale invasion, it facilitated the activities of Russian banks and introduced ruble circulation in the TOT of Ukraine - in Crimea, Sevastopol, Kharkiv and Kherson regions.

"As a result of such actions, Ukraine had to lose economic control over the territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Sevastopol, and parts of five regions for their further annexation by the aggressor state," the OPP said.

In addition, the head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation assisted the top military and political leadership of the Russian Federation in conducting an aggressive war.

Хакери ГУР атакували два російські банки - джерело23.09.24, 11:59

Being a person who is able to actually control and manage Russia's political actions in the economic sphere, the suspect reconfigured the priorities of monetary policy and directed them to support the military-industrial complex of Russia.

Using the assets and resources of the Bank of Russia, it creates conditions for individuals and legal entities involved in financing the Russian military-industrial complex to circumvent sanctions, promotes mobilization in the aggressor state, creates conditions for making payments for weapons with Iran, and initiates the introduction of "counter-sanctions." 

"The funds held in the accounts of the Russian central bank are actually one of the tools of warfare. Thanks to Ukraine's international partners, almost $300 billion has been blocked on the accounts of the Russian central bank around the world," the OGP said.

Командувачу впс рф повідомили про підозру в організації удару по "Охматдиту"10.09.24, 13:47


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