
The enemy did not use ballistic, guided, cruise missiles or kamikaze drones that night, but hit with KABs - Yevlash

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Last night, russian troops did not use ballistic, guided, cruise, kamikaze or drones missiles, but attacked frontline areas with guided aerial bombs, particularly in Kharkiv region.

That night, the occupiers did not use ballistic, guided, cruise or kamikaze missiles or drones to strike Ukraine. The enemy mainly attacked the frontline territories with guided aerial bombs. This was reported by Air Force spokesman Ilya Yevlash during a telethon, according to a UNN correspondent.

This night is one of the few nights when we saw nothing in the morning report. The enemy mainly attacked the frontline areas with guided aerial bombs, attacking the Kharkiv region. However, the enemy did not use ballistic, guided, cruise missiles or kamikaze drones

- Yevlash said.

He noted that it is currently being studied why such behavior is observed by the enemy, as the occupiers may be misleading.

We are closely monitoring the enemy and studying all its actions

- Yevlash added.


russian troops strike Mykolaiv district with an X-59 missile, damaging industrial infrastructure.

На Харківщині ворог обстріляв три райони, у тому числі КАБами, є загиблий та поранені03.05.24, 10:00


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