
The "director" of the occupation Kherson SIZO was served a notice of suspicion for the forced transfer of more than 150 convicts

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A 46-year-old man from Mykolaiv region, who was appointed by the Russian occupation authorities as the "director" of the Kherson SIZO, is suspected of forcibly transferring and deporting more than 150 convicts to Russia and the occupied territories.

The "director" of the occupation "pre-trial detention center," who is suspected of forcibly transferring and deporting more than 150 convicts from Kherson region, was served with a notice of suspicion , the National Police reported on Saturday, UNN reports.


The police found out that in May 2022, the Russian occupation authorities created an illegal institution, Detention Center No. 1, on the basis of the state institution Kherson Detention Center. A 46-year-old native of Mykolaiv region was appointed its "director". 

"During the occupation of the city, he wore the uniform and equipment of the Russian armed forces and told the prisoners that he was the new 'head' of the institution," the police said.

According to the police, in October 2022, on the eve of the liberation of the right bank of Kherson region, the suspect received an order from the occupation authorities to forcibly transfer convicts from the regional center to the Left Bank. "The suspect and his subordinates forcibly and against the will of the prisoners moved more than 150 convicts from the institution "Pre-trial detention center No. 1" to the "Holoprystan correctional colony No. 7" in "special cars" for the transportation of prisoners. Later, five people were transferred without their consent to penitentiary institutions of the Russian Federation and temporarily occupied settlements of Ukraine," the police said.

The offender was served a notice of suspicion in absentia of committing a crime stipulated by Part 2 Article 28, Part 1 Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Namely, cruel treatment of prisoners of war or civilians, expulsion of civilians for forced labor, looting of national property in the occupied territory, use of means of warfare prohibited by international law, other violations of the laws and customs of war, as well as ordering such actions committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy. The defendant faces imprisonment for up to 12 years.

Слідчі ізолятори і виправні колонії: знайшли 42 місця утримання українських військовополонених у рф22.06.23, 14:54 • [views_601890]


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