
The court today plans to choose a measure of restraint for ex-military Borisov

 • 20399 переглядiв

The court plans to choose a measure of restraint for the former Odessa soldier Yevgeny Borisov on suspicion of organizing the legalization of illegal income in more than 142 million Hryvnia.

The court today plans to consider a petition for the election of a preventive measure to the former Odessa soldier Yevgeny Borisov on a new suspicion of organizing the legalization of illegal income in the amount of more than 142 million Hryvnia. This was announced by the communications adviser of the state Bureau of Investigation Tatyana Sapyan on the air of the telethon, the correspondent of UNN reports .

Today he will be given a preventive measure. The prosecution will request detention, but with the alternative of bail in the amount of the amount that appears in this criminal proceeding on the organization of legalization of property (obtained illegally – ed.) in the amount of UAH 142 million

- Sapyan said.


On May 28, in Kiev, at the exit from the pre-trial detention center, employees of the state Bureau of Investigation repeatedly detained the former head of the Odessa regional shopping center and joint venture Yevgeny Borisov because of information that after paying bail, he planned to go abroad.

He was also informed of a new suspicion of organizing the legalization of illegal income in the amount of more than UAH 142 million (Part 3 of Article 27, Part 3 of Article 209 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

On May 29, an indictment was sent to the court against the former head of the Odessa regional territorial recruitment and social support center Yevgeny Borisov on suspicion of illegal enrichment.


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