
"Thank you for your work": Ukrainian Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief Syrskyi notes destruction of three enemy aircraft by Ukrainian Air Force

 • 29449 переглядiв

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine thanked the country's air force for destroying two enemy Su-34 fighter-bombers and one Su-35 fighter during attacks on Ukrainian troops' positions in the east of the country.

Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Syrskyi thanked the Air Force for destroying two Su-34 and one Su-35, UNN reports.

This morning in the eastern sector, during enemy attacks with guided aerial bombs on the positions of our troops, the Air Force of Ukraine destroyed three Russian aircraft at once: 2 Su-34 and one Su-35. Thank you for your work

- wrote Syrsky.


According to the Ukrainian Armed Forces, three enemy aircraft were destroyed in the eastern sector this morning - two Su-34 fighter-bombers and one Su-35 fighter.


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