
Syrsky: the nature of the Russian army's actions has not changed significantly, the enemy is focusing its main efforts on the Pokrovske direction

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Ukrainian Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrsky said that the nature of Russian troops' actions has not changed significantly, the enemy is focusing its main efforts on the Pokrovsk direction. Russia is making every effort to increase the intensity and expand the geography of hostilities, in particular to exhaust Ukrainian forces before the arrival of F-16s and new weapons, but Ukrainian soldiers demonstrate resilience, courage and faith in victory, the Commander-in-Chief noted.

Ukrainian Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrsky said that after almost a week of work on the eastern front, the nature of Russian troops' actions has not changed significantly, the enemy is focusing its main efforts on the Pokrovsk direction. Russia is making every effort to increase the intensity and expand the geography of hostilities, in particular to exhaust Ukrainian forces before the arrival of F-16s and new weapons, but Ukrainian soldiers demonstrate resilience, courage and faith in victory, the Commander-in-Chief noted, UNN reports.


"For almost a week I have been working on the Eastern Front in units of various groups holding defense in the most critical areas of the front. The nature of the enemy's actions has not changed significantly. On the Kupyansk, Pokrovsk, Kurakhivka, Vremivsk operational directions, they are conducting active offensive actions of varying intensity, trying to break through the defense of our troops and capture important areas of the terrain or settlements that affect the stability of our defense," Syrsky wrote on Telegram.

According to him, "the enemy is focusing its main efforts on the Pokrovske direction, where the vast majority of its strike brigades and regiments are concentrated." Fierce fighting continues in the areas of Hlyboke, Chasovyi Yar, Staromayorsk, Robotyne, Krynky and the islands in the coastal part of the left bank of the Dnipro River, noted the Commander-in-Chief.

"As before, the purpose of my work is to study the situation, assist brigade commanders in organizing combat operations, resolve problematic issues, provide additional weapons and ammunition, strengthen reserves, etc.", said Syrsky.

"The enemy is well aware that as a result of the gradual receipt of a significant amount of weapons and military equipment from our partners, the arrival of the first F-16s, which will strengthen our air defense, time will play in our favor, and his chances of success will decrease. Therefore, the command of the Russian troops is currently making every effort to increase the intensity and expand the geography of hostilities in order to maximize the depletion of our troops, disrupt the training of reserves, and prevent the transition to active offensive actions. Along the entire frontline from Kharkiv to Krynky, our servicemen demonstrate resilience, courage and patriotism, and most importantly, faith in our victory," emphasized Syrsky.

In particular, according to him, "recently, in Donetsk region, a Ukrainian soldier of one of the combat brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine took four Russian occupants prisoner on his own." "I believe that this act is a vivid example of the bravery and high morale of our defenders and certainly deserves to be recognized with an appropriate award," the Commander-in-Chief said.

"I thank him and all the other defenders of Ukraine, who take their duties responsibly, for their selfless service! As never before, the army needs maximum support from society in every sense. It is time to unite for our victory! Glory to Ukraine!" - Syrsky said.

Генштаб: сьогодні вже 42 бої, українські воїни захопили ворожий танк і полонених17.06.24, 11:45


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