
Supply ship "Ekaterina Velikaya" burns in Russia: one person killed

 • 34475 переглядiв

The Russian supply ship Ekaterina Velikaya catches fire in Vladivostok, Russia, killing one person and hospitalizing three.

The supply ship Ekaterina Velikaya catches fire in Russia. One person died and three were hospitalized. This was reported in the telegram channel of the Russian Far Eastern Transport Prosecutor's Office, UNN reports .


The fire broke out when the vessel was at the Dalzavod Ship Repair Center in Vladivostok around 3:00 a.m. local time.

When the firefighters arrived, there was smoke coming from the stern of the vessel and smoke in the holds.

The rescuers brought out five people, three of whom suffered from "exposure to dangerous fire factors.

The fire damaged a process room over an area of about 50 square meters, the agency added.

The fire has been extinguished, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the prosecutor's office are investigating the cause of the incident.


"Ekaterina Velikaya is the first multifunctional supply vessel of four, built at the Zvezda shipyard and launched in December 2020. The vessel can traverse Arctic ice layers up to 1.5 meters thick.

Vessels of this category are designed for unlimited navigation, including in difficult climatic conditions, and for the transportation of cargo to offshore facilities, icebreaking operations, ice control, towing large objects, and transportation of containers on the main deck.

У Росії загорівся газопровід10.03.24, 02:22


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