
Successful field tests of the latest air defense system "CHIMERA" were conducted in the United States

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The United States has completed field tests of the powerful CHIMERA microwave antenna system for neutralizing air targets. This was reported by Raytheon , the company that conducted the tests, UNN reports. 


The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) was also involved in the field tests. 

It is noted that the high-powered CHIMERA microwave system is designed to protect military facilities from medium- and long-range air threats.

During the tests, CHIMERA hit several static targets with directed energy with different variations.

Raytheon створює прототип зброї спрямованої енергії для армії США27.12.23, 16:07

The technology also reads data on airborne targets and provides continuous tracking throughout the entire flight path of the object.

Powerful microwave systems are cost-effective and reliable solutions that play an important role in multi-level defense

- the company explained.


The system is being developed as part of the US Navy's Directed Energy Front-line Electromagnetic Neutralization and Defeat (DEFEND) program. The value of the three-year contract is estimated at $31.3 million, and the company signed it with the US Navy's Surface Warfare Center.

The prototypes are expected to be delivered in fiscal years 2024 and 2026.


The UK has successfully tested the DragonFire directed laser weapon system against air targets. The system's range is classified, but it can hit any visible target and operates with an accuracy equivalent to hitting a £1 coin from a distance of 1,000 meters.


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