
Some SBU officers involved in surveillance of Bihus.Info were sent to the combat zone

 • 21040 переглядiв

Employees of the Department for the Protection of National Statehood, involved in the surveillance of the Bihus.Info journalists, were sent to the combat zone

Some of the SBU officers involved in the surveillance of the Bihus.Info editorial board have been transferred to the combat zone, UNN reports, citing Bihus.Info .

"...we received a response from the SBU about the fate of the employees who were monitoring our editorial office. They informed us that the defendants in our investigation are already in Donetsk and Luhansk regions," the statement said.

In addition, according to media reports, Andriy Ishchuk was elected acting head of the SZND.


Investigators of the SBI's Main Investigation Department were instructed by the Prosecutor General to conduct pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings initiated at the request of a representative of the journalistic editorial office regarding the illegal installation and use of special technical means of covertly obtaining information in a countryside complex in Kyiv region (Part 1 of Article 359 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

On February 5, Bihus.Info reported that its journalists had identified those who had installed hidden cameras in hotel rooms to monitor the editorial staff. The cameras were filming the team's vacation in a hotel complex in Kyiv region at the end of December 2023.

According to a journalistic investigation, these were employees of the Security Service of Ukraine.

Later, Roman Semenchenko, head of the SBU's Department for the Protection of National Statehood, was fired for surveillance of the editorial office.


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Some SBU officers involved in surveillance of Bihus.Info were sent to the combat zone

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