
Since the beginning of the day 23 combat engagements took place - General Staff

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Since the beginning of the day, 23 combat engagements have taken place on the frontline, with Russian troops unsuccessfully trying to break through the defense in the area of Klishchiyivka and Andriyivka three times, the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reports.

Since the beginning of the day, 23 combat engagements have taken place on the frontline, in particular, Russian troops unsuccessfully tried to break through the defense in the directions of Klishchiyivka and Andriyivka three times, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports in a summary as of 10:30 a.m. on May 16, UNN reports.   

Since the beginning of the day, 23 combat engagements took place, the enemy launched two missile attacks, four air strikes using eight UAVs and 48 kamikaze drone strikes, and fired 564 times at the positions of our troops

- reported the General Staff.

As indicated, the defense forces continue to defend the occupied borders and take measures to prevent the enemy from advancing deeper into our territory and disrupting the fulfillment of their criminal intentions.

Генштаб: зірвано плани ворога максимально вклинитись у глибину міської забудови Вовчанська і закріпитися, противника відтіснили північніше Кислівки16.05.24, 11:19

In the Siverskiy sector, the enemy conducted one attack in the Vesele-Zvanivka area, there are no changes in the situation of our troops. Fighting continues in the Yakovlivka - Razdolivka area.

In the Kramatorsk sector, the enemy unsuccessfully tried to break through the defense of our troops three times in the areas of Bakhmut - Klishchiyivka, Bakhmut - Andriivka. Fighting continues in the area of Hryhorivka. The situation is under control.

In the Pokrovske sector, our defenders repelled three attacks in the areas of Vodiane - Netaylove, Pervomaiske - Netaylove. The fighting continues. The situation is under control.

In the Kurakhove sector, Russian occupants carried out three attacks in the areas of Vodiane - Netailove, Slavne - Novomykhailivka. Fighting is still ongoing in the areas of Solodke - Kostiantynivka and Solodke - Vodiane. Ukrainian positions have not been lost so far.

In the Vremivsk sector, the enemy launched three unsuccessful attacks in the areas of Staromlynivka - Urozhayne. Zavetne Zahidzhya - Staromayorske. In the Volodymyne-Staromayorske area, the Defense Forces continue to hold back the enemy. At the moment, no losses of positions have been made, the situation is under control.

On the Prydniprovsky direction, the enemy does not give up trying to force the Defense Forces from the left bank of the Dnipro. During the current day, he made three attacks on the positions of our troops near the village of Krynky, Kherson region. There were no losses of positions.  

Ще плюс 1520 окупантів і 19 танків: Генштаб оновив дані про втрати ворога16.05.24, 07:35


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