
Several countries that have direct communication with Russia have come up with specifics on the return of prisoners - Ombudsperson

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According to Human Rights Ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets, several countries in direct contact with Russia have offered specific conditions for the return of a certain number of Ukrainian prisoners, civilians and deported children.

Several countries that have direct communication with the Russian side have proposed new approaches and come up with specifics on the return of a certain number of Ukrainians. This was announced by the Human Rights Ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets during a telethon, commenting on a closed thematic session on the implementation of paragraph 4 of the Peace Formula at the Peace Summit, the correspondent of UNN reports .

We frankly discussed the situation with the violation of the rights of Ukrainian citizens by the Russian Federation. This is, first of all, the illegal deportation of Ukrainian children, the violation of the rights of Ukrainian civilians, and the violation of the rights of prisoners of war of the Ukrainian army,

- Lubinets said.

According to him, several unexpected countries have proposed new approaches.

Several countries have proposed new approaches, and we did not expect such approaches from such countries at all...I can say that we definitely did not expect that such countries could offer not just their assistance, but come up with some specifics, as was mentioned, for example: We are in direct communication with the Russian side, we are not just ready to join the process, but we are ready to commit ourselves to returning a certain number of Ukrainian citizens. It was very powerful, and there were several such countries,

- Lubinets said.

He noted that the general discussion during our session was aimed at finding specific mechanisms.

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Lubinets reported that the Global Peace Summit held a closed session on the implementation of paragraph 4 of the Peace Formula, which was about the return of Ukrainian children, civilians, and prisoners of war.

Ihor Zhovkva, the deputy head of the Presidential Administration, said that Chile would be very active after the Peace Summit in implementing specific points of the Ukrainian peace formula.


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