
russians used chemical weapons four times in Tavria sector - Tarnavskyi

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The russians have almost stopped air strikes in the Tauride area, but are actively conducting artillery attacks and ground assaults with the use of chemical weapons.

On the Tauride direction, the russians have almost abandoned the use of combat aircraft, but are actively conducting assault operations and artillery strikes. This was stated by Brigadier General Oleksandr Tarnavsky, commander of the Tavria operational and strategic group of troops, on his Telegram channel, UNN reports .


It is noted that over the past day in the operational zone of the Tavria Joint Forces Operation Center, the russians carried out only 2 air strikes, but conducted 42 combat engagements and fired 1040 artillery rounds.

In particular, in both the Zaporizhzhia and Donetsk sectors, russians resumed the use of toxic substances: a total of 4 grenades with a chemical agent of tear and suffocation effect were recorded

- Tarnavsky summarized. 

In addition, in the Avdiivka sector, the enemy is again attempting to attack with small assault groups. Our defenders repelled nine attacks near Lastochkine, Severne, Pervomayske and Nevelske.

The Defense Forces are also holding back the russians in the Mariinka sector near Heorhiivka, Pobeda, Novomykhailivka, where 21 attacks were repelled.

Від початку повномасштабного вторгнення росіяни 465 разів застосовували в Україні хімічну зброю27.12.23, 11:50

The brigadier general said that in the Novopavlivka sector, the enemy tried to attack once in the area of Staromayorske.

At the same time, there were no significant changes in the Zaporizhzhia sector: the Defense Forces repelled 11 militants' attacks near Malynivka and Robotyne.


Tarnavskyi emphasized that the situation remains under control, Ukrainian soldiers are steadfastly holding the line and are actively destroying the enemy

Thus, the total losses of the russians over the past day amounted to: 644 people in manpower, 47 units in weapons and military equipment, not including UAVs. In particular, these include 2 tanks, 29 armored personnel carriers, 8 artillery systems, and 8 vehicles. 272 UAVs of various types were neutralized or destroyed

- said the commander of the Tavria operational and strategic group of troops.

The Ukrainian Defense Forces also destroyed 2 ammunition depots, 1 fuel and lubricants depot and 1 other important enemy facility.


Operational Command "West" in its report on the past night said that Ukrainian soldiers repelled all attacks of the russian occupation forces in the Zaporizhzhya direction.

рф на Запорізькому напрямку після невдалої спроби атаки купою бронетехніки перейшла до звичної тактики - речник19.02.24, 14:49


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