
Russians launched the Dozor campaign: they collect data on employees of shopping centers and military facilities

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The Russian Federation has launched  an information campaign called "Dozor" to collect data, in particular, about employees of the shopping center, on the transportation of equipment and military facilities. The Center for countering disinformation under the national security and Defense Council warns about this, reports UNN

The Center for Countering Disinformation recorded an enemy information campaign under the conditional name "Dozor", launched by the Russians to collect data on the personnel of the Defense Forces, in particular on employees of the shopping center, military equipment and logistics routes for its transportation, military facilities and critical infrastructure, etc

- the message says.

The GPA believes that the Dozor project was probably started by representatives of the Russian power bloc. And it is also aimed at forming a pro-Russian underground in Ukraine in order to carry out sabotage and subversive work. 

 "As part of the campaign, instructions are distributed to prepare for sabotage on the territory of Ukraine, as well as chatbots have been created to collect information about the Defense Forces.  We encourage you to be conscious and take care of your own information security, so as not to fall into the enemy's trap!",- indicated in the GPA. 

рф розгорнула інфоркампанію до 10-річчя початку боїв за Донецький аеропорт - ЦПД при РНБО 27.05.24, 14:20


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