
russians are using civilian airfields in sochi for military aviation - ATESH

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According to the guerrillas, the russian military has begun using Sochi's civilian airports to deploy army aircraft.

The russian military has begun using civilian airports in Sochi to deploy combat aircraft. This is reported by guerrillas from the underground movement "ATESH", UNN writes.


The guerrillas say they have spotted military aircraft at a civilian airport.

Our agents are constantly recording the movement of racist aircraft and their use of civilian airfields. This time we paid attention to the Sochi airport, which is used for military purposes

- ATES said.

The activists emphasize that all information about the movements of russian military aircraft is transmitted to the Ukrainian Defense Forces.

Партизани виявили ППО у московській області: комплекс на бойовому чергуванні13.02.24, 15:51


In the temporarily occupied Crimea, russian military forces brought military equipment to the railway station in Azovskoye. According to the ATES guerrillas, the occupiers are going to use it to continue the war in Ukraine,   

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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