
Repressions in Crimea: what human rights violations were recorded this year

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In the first 9 months of 2024, the occupation authorities in Crimea continue systematic repressions and human rights violations, in particular against Crimean Tatars. Despite a certain decrease in the number of detentions and arrests compared to previous years, a significant part of these actions is directed against representatives of the Crimean Tatar people. This is stated in the analysis of the Crimean Tatar Resource Center on human rights violations in the occupied Crimea, UNN reports.

During 9 months of 2024, human rights violations were recorded in the occupied Crimea, especially against the Crimean Tatar people. A total of 91 cases of detention were documented, of which 26 concerned Crimean Tatars. Despite a decrease in the total number of detentions compared to previous years (154 detentions in 2023 and 108 in 2022), a significant number of them continue to be directed against Crimean Tatars, indicating a systematic nature of persecution.

Arrests also remain a key form of repression. During the reporting period, 131 arrests were recorded, of which 60 concerned Crimean Tatars, accounting for almost half of all cases. Despite a decrease in the number of arrests in 2024 (182 arrests in 2023 and 138 in 2022), repression continues.

In addition, 229 cases of violations of the right to a fair trial were recorded, 131 of which concerned Crimean Tatars. This is a clear indication that the occupation judicial system is used as a tool of pressure and discrimination. Compared to previous years, the situation has changed somewhat: in 2023, 226 cases of violations of the right to a trial were recorded, and in 2022 - 263 cases.

Окупанти у Криму залишили в силі вирок у 17 років тюрми незрячому політв’язню - Лубінець 16.09.24, 15:51

The occupation authorities also actively conduct searches and interrogations. In 2024, 59 searches were conducted, 35 of which concerned Crimean Tatars, which demonstrates significant pressure on their homes and lives in general. During the same period, 89 interrogations were conducted, 33 of which concerned Crimean Tatars. 

The occupation authorities pay considerable attention to violations of the right to health. There were 40 cases of violations of this right, 36 of which concerned Crimean Tatars. Most of these cases concern the failure to provide adequate medical care to political prisoners or ignoring the requests of lawyers regarding their health status.

Separation also remains a widespread practice. In 2024, 29 cases of transfer were recorded, of which 24 concerned Crimean Tatars. Although the total number of roundups decreased compared to 2023 (59 cases), the pressure on Crimean Tatars has not decreased.

Сікорський запропонував передати Крим під мандат ООН для референдуму: в Меджлісі відреагували19.09.24, 16:56

In addition, 25 cases of fines totaling 1,202,700 rubles (360,810 UAH) were recorded during the reporting period, of which 10 were imposed on Crimean Tatars. This is less than in previous years, but indicates a continuing policy of economic pressure on the population through administrative penalties.


218 persons, including 132 Crimean Tatars, illegally detained by the Russian Federation in Crimea. 43 arrested, 151 imprisoned, 26 without status. The transfer of Crimean Tatars to Russian prisons was recorded.

Iryna Kolesnik



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