
Remotely controlled evacuation of the wounded: Ukrainian unmanned transporters FoxTac have been tested

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Ukrainian unmanned transporters FoxTac have passed preliminary tests for the remote controlled evacuation of wounded soldiers from the battlefield.

Ukraine has developed the FoxTac robotic transporter, which is designed to evacuate wounded Ukrainian soldiers from the battlefield. The remote-controlled vehicle has both wheeled and tracked travel and a range of up to 10 km. The FoxTac prototypes have successfully passed preliminary tests and are being codified before being delivered to the Armed Forces.

This is reported by UNN with reference to the Telegram of the Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov.

Members of the Brave1 cluster have developed a remote-controlled transporter to evacuate the wounded from the battlefield

 , the message says.


FoxTac is a remote-controlled platform for evacuating military personnel, a four-wheel drive system that can be driven on wheels or tracks. The control distance is up to 700 meters and the range is up to 10 km. In particular, it is noted that the platform can easily move on difficult off-road terrain.

Among the advantages of the development is the ability of the operator to be safe while managing the rescue of the wounded.

It is confirmed that the FoxTac prototypes have successfully passed preliminary tests; the codification procedure is underway to allow FoxTac to be supplied to the troops.


The technology developed by the Brave1 cluster uses drones, sensors and artificial intelligence to detect mines, shells and craters from explosions ten times faster and safer for demining in Ukraine.

Border guards received a ground drone for medical evacuation of the wounded from the battlefield. The device was purchased at the expense of Finnish philanthropists for the needs of the Kramatorsk detachment.

Через війну в Україні зниклими безвісти вважається понад 20 тисяч людей - Червоний Хрест19.02.24, 18:01


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