
Problems with tax authorities and BES searches: what is known about the company that unauthorizedly uses the road of a strategic facility in Odesa region

 • 205419 переглядiв

Instead of obtaining permits, the commercial entity Allseeds Black Sea began to use the road, which is on the balance sheet of the strategic facility Odesa Port Plant, without authorization.

In Odesa region, a scandal continues to rage because the commercial structure "Alcides Black Sea" began to use the road, which is on the balance sheet of the strategic object "Odesa Port Plant", without obtaining permits. This is not the first scandal involving this company, and it seems to be its trademark style to make a fuss instead of acting according to the law, UNN writes .


Alsids Black Sea has repeatedly had problems with the tax service. In particular, back in 2019, this commercial entity was involved in criminal proceedings on tax minimization in the purchase of sunflower. According to the ruling of the Podilskyi District Court of Kyiv, in order to minimize tax liabilities, representatives of the ALLSEEDS group, which includes Allseeds Black Sea, created a scheme to purchase sunflower for cash without properly reflecting these transactions in the accounting and tax records of the companies.

In addition, according to journalists, a number of Ukrainian companies in 2020 used Swiss intermediaries to minimize taxes and resell goods to other countries. Among these Ukrainian companies was Alsids Black Sea.

In addition, in September 2023, the BES and the SBU conducted searches at the Allseeds terminal in Pivdennyi port as part of an investigation into the counterparties with which the company worked. During these searches, the company decided not to provide the documents for which law enforcement officers had come, and instead began to claim that their work was being blocked.

The tax problems of Allseeds Black Sea suggest that the company is used to "bending" the state in its own interests. And under martial law, tax evasion looks even more cynical.

In addition, it seems to be commonplace for the company to ignore civilized business laws and instead shout that they are being prevented from working. Therefore, the question arises whether the blocking of the Odesa Port Plant is not another attempt by Alcides Black Sea to push its interests and circumvent the law.


A commercial entity, Allseeds Black Sea, tried to use a road owned by the OPP to transport vegetable oil to the berths at Pivdennyi port. The company did not provide the necessary package of documents to obtain the appropriate permit to use this road, and instead began to use it unauthorizedly.

During the unauthorized use of the said road, the company destroyed the road surface with its trucks .

In addition, on May 22, Allseeds Black Sea organized the blocking of the roadleading to berth 1 of the Pivdennyi port, which is on the balance sheet of the Odesa Port Plant.


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