
Prime Minister of Moldova: Russia cannot openly attack due to Ukraine's resistance, instead waging hybrid war

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Moldova's Prime Minister said that although Russia cannot openly attack Moldova militarily because of Ukraine's resistance, Moscow is waging a hybrid war against Chisinau through disinformation, cyberattacks, and financing of criminal groups.

Russia wants but cannot openly attack Moldova militarily because of Ukraine's resistance, so Moscow is waging a hybrid war against Chisinau. This was stated by Moldovan Prime Minister Dorin Recean on Tuesday, February 20, according to PRO TV Chisinau, UNN reports .


The important thing I want to emphasize is that today Russia cannot attack us militarily, and this is due to Ukraine

 said the official.

At the same time, he noted that Russia is waging a hybrid war against Moldova. He clarified that he was referring to disinformation, cyberattacks, and the financing of criminal groups that interfere in politics and try to destabilize the country.

The prime minister added that the fact that Ukraine has gained a great advantage in the Black Sea has reduced the chances of Moldova being attacked from the sea.

Moreover, we see that the military industry in Europe and Ukraine is increasing its capacity

Rechan said.

Схожий на "Герань-2": на півдні Молдови поблизу кордону з Україною знайшли фрагменти безпілотника17.02.24, 19:42


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