
President of the Czech Republic: Europe is at the beginning of a long confrontation with Russia

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According to Czech President Petr Pavel, Europe is facing a prolonged confrontation with Russia that will affect everyday life, requiring readiness and resistance to Russian propaganda and threats to European values.

According to Czech President Petr Pavel, Europe is at the beginning of a long confrontation with Russia. European countries should be prepared for this. Petr Pavel said this in an interview with Die Presse, reports UNN

We are at the beginning of a long confrontation with Russia, although not necessarily of a military nature. This confrontation will become part of our everyday life

- said the Czech president.

Pavel pointed out that Europe should be ready to effectively confront Russia. the Kremlin would not be satisfied with just keeping part of Ukraine for itself. 

The Czech president also added that Russia has proven to be a destructive force in many European countries, trying to spread propaganda and often "outright lies." 

"Russia wants to hurt us. When Russia is constructive, let us also be constructive. But if Russia acts against our interests, we must resist. Otherwise, our way of life and our values are under threat," Pavlo added.

рф не має ні наміру, ні можливості напасти на будь-яку країну НАТО - заступник генсекретаря Альянсу 11.05.24, 18:58


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