
Poland wants to publish a list of companies that imported Ukrainian grain worth almost one and a half billion euros

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Poland's deputy agriculture minister said the country will publish a list of companies that imported large quantities of cheap Ukrainian grain while Polish farmers were experiencing financial difficulties.

Poland wants to publish a list of companies that have been actively importing Ukrainian grain. This was stated by Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Poland Michal Kolodziejczak, according to RMF24, reports UNN.


Kolodziejczak emphasized that this is "shocking" information, which shows that 6 billion zlotys (1.38 billion euros) were paid for Ukrainian grain. 

According to him, the Polish Ministry of Agriculture has compiled a list of companies that imported Ukrainian grain, and the agency is currently preparing to make it public.

Now the list of companies is complete. This week we will find out the legal grounds for publishing it, so that every Pole can see who made money when Polish farmers had a big problem

- explained the Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Poland.

У Польщі обіцяють "нульову терпимість" до тих, хто нелегального торгуватиме українською агропродукцією05.02.24, 17:59


According to Kolodziejczak, last year more than 300,000 tons of Ukrainian grain ended up on the Polish market.

330 thousand tons of industrial grain, rapeseed, and corn were imported and ended up on the Polish market... The cheapest wheat from Ukraine last year cost 51 zlotys per ton, 20 times less than the profitable threshold for Polish grain

- the Polish official complained.


Ukraine expects that the European Commission's proposal to extend the 'economic visa-free regime' with the EU until June 2025 may allow to remove bans on agricultural imports from Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary.


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