
Poland calls on the EU to start negotiations on Ukraine's membership before Hungary's presidency

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Negotiations on Ukraine's membership in the European Union should begin in the first half of the year. This was stated by Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski in Brussels, UNN reports with reference to Polish Radio.

At the same time, Sikorsky noted that in the second half of the year, Hungary will take over the EU presidency, which blocks many decisions regarding Ukraine.

Польща введе обмеження на пересування російських дипломатів по країні - глава МЗС Сікорський27.05.24, 17:21

"It would be good to start this during the Belgian presidency, because we cannot count on Hungary's excessive goodwill," the foreign minister said.

Sikorsky was also asked if the talks could start on June 25.

"It would be good, but I would not give my head to fight back," the minister said.

Україна здійснила всі законодавчі кроки для початку переговорів про вступ до ЄС - ОП24.05.24, 18:16


During a meeting with media representatives before the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Ukraine has done everything instrumentally and operationallyto open negotiations with the EU in June.


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