
Partisans scouted where GRU special forces are being treated in the occupied Crimea

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The Atesh partisan movement found that wounded Russian servicemen, including those of the 127th separate reconnaissance brigade, are being treated at the Naval Clinical Hospital in Sevastopol.

The partisan movement "Atesh" has discovered a place where GRU special forces are being treated in the occupied Crimea, reports UNN

"Our agent conducted a reconnaissance of the Naval Clinical Hospital in Sevastopol and revealed the activity of receiving wounded Russian servicemen. During two hours of observation, 10 evacuation carriages arrived at the hospital. Among the regular patients, representatives of 127 separate reconnaissance brigades were registered," Atesh reports.

Агент "АТЕШ" розвідав базу російських військ в окупованому Луганську20.06.24, 16:41

Partisans note that the invaders should not relax, even in such a seemingly calm place.

АТЕШ виявив центр підготовки африканських найманців у Санкт-Петербурзі19.06.24, 22:15

"On the contrary, we need to prepare to meet guests," the message reads.

Antonina Tumanova



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