
Participated in the occupation of the Right Bank of the Kherson region: suspicion was reported to general Rosgvardiya

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The SBU reported suspicion to Russian Colonel-General Igor Turchenyuk, commander of the group of troops "south" of the Rosgvardiya for participating in the seizure and occupation of the Right Bank of the Kherson region.

The SBU reported suspicion to the commander of the group of troops "south" of the Rosgvardiya, Colonel-General Igor Turchenyuk, who took part in the seizure and occupation of the Right Bank of the Kherson region. This was reported on Tuesday by the press service of the SBU, reports UNN

The Security Service has collected evidence against another high-ranking Russian official who was involved in mass repressions during the occupation of the Right-Bank part of Kherson. The person involved is Russian Colonel-General Igor Turchenyuk, commander of the group of troops "south" of the Rosgvardiya

- the SBU said in a statement.

According to the investigation, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, its units participated in the seizure of the Right-Bank territory of the Kherson region. During the occupation of the region, Turchenyuk commanded the so-called "filtration" groups of rashists who persecuted members of the Resistance Movement.

In addition, on the orders of the Russian general, his subordinates attacked participants of protest actions who opposed the armed aggression of the Russian Federation.

During the dispersal of peaceful assemblies, the invaders abducted people right in the middle of the street and took them to Russian dungeons. 

Закликав до війни проти України: СБУ повідомила про підозру "зірці" серіалу "Універ" Гогунському21.06.24, 19:41

Also, it is reported that Rosgvardiya units under the leadership of Turchenyuk were on duty at roadblocks, where they stopped and "confiscated" cars of local residents who wanted to leave for the territory controlled by Ukraine. At the same time, the rashists stole documents, money, mobile phones and other personal belongings from the owners and passengers of the car.

"On the eve of the liberation of Kherson, units of the invaders under the command of Turchenyuk fled to the Left - Bank part of the region, where they continue to commit war crimes," the SBU said. 

As noted, Putin's security guard, and now the head of the Rosgvardiya, Viktor Zolotov awarded the group of his subordinate the Order of Zhukov.

Based on the collected evidence, Security Service investigators informed Turchenyuk in absentia of suspicion under Part 2 of Article 28, Part 2 of Article 437 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (planning, preparing, unleashing and waging a war of aggression by prior agreement of a group of persons).

Now comprehensive measures are being taken to find him and punish the Russian General.

Готує добровольців для "кадирівських" підрозділів на війну в Україні: очільнику російського університету спецназу імені путіна повідомили про підозру24.06.24, 16:25


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