
Over the last day 160 combat engagements were registered

 • 71453 переглядiв

Over the last day, 160 combat engagements were registered in various sectors of the frontline, the most intense situation was near Novooleksandrivka in the Pokrovsk sector.

Over the past day, 160 combat engagements were recorded at the frontline. This was reported by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, UNN reports.


  • In the Kharkiv sector, 13 combat engagements took place in the vicinity of Hlyboke and Vovchansk.
  • In the Kupyansk sector, the number of attacks amounted to 18 over the day. Ukrainian troops repelled enemy assaults near Synkivka, Vilshany, Petropavlivka, Novoselivka, Pishchane, Berestove and Stelmakhivka
  • In the Liman sector, the enemy attacked 16 times near Hrekivka, Makiivka and Terny.
  • In the Siverskyi sector, Ukrainian defenders repelled 12 assaults by Russian invaders near Bilohorivka, Rozdolivka, Verkhnekamianske, Spirne and Vyymka.
  • In the Kramatorsk sector, the occupants attacked 12 times, in the areas of Hryhorivka, Chasovyi Yar, Klishchiyivka and Andriivka.
  • In the Toretsk sector, the enemy carried out 13 attacks near Pivnichne, New York and Toretsk.
  • In the Pokrovsk sector, our defenders repelled 40 assaults in the areas of Prohres, Vozdvyzhenka, Novooleksandrivka, Kalynove, Lozuvatske, Novoselivka Persha and Yasnobrodivka, where the invaders, supported by air power, tried to force our units out of their positions. The largest concentration of enemy attacks was near Novooleksandrivka.
  • In the Kurakhove sector, the Defense Forces repelled 16 attacks near Krasnohorivka, Kostiantynivka, Karlivka and Pobeda, where the enemy tried to break through the defense of our troops.
  • In the Vremivsk sector, the enemy conducted 18 attacks on our positions near Urozhayne, Vodiane, Makarove, Velyka Novosilka and Kostiantynivka.
  • In the Prydniprovskyi sector, the occupants continue to try to drive the Defense Forces units from their positions at the bridgeheads. Two Russian attacks failed in the areas of Mala Tokmachka and Kozachy Lager.

Ще плюс 1120 окупантів і 8 танків: Генштаб оновив дані про втрати ворога13.07.24, 07:16


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