
Over 1800 shells destroyed by Ukrainian sappers in the de-occupied territories over the week

 • 41020 переглядiв

This week, Ukrainian sappers found and destroyed more than 1,800 explosive devices left by Russians in Kharkiv, Kherson and Mykolaiv regions, clearing more than 1,478 hectares of land from munitions.

Since the beginning of the week of February 12-18, demining units of the State Special Transport Service have discovered, seized and neutralized 1806 explosive shells left by Russians. This was reported by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, UNN reports.


According to the report, most of the shells were found and defused in Kharkiv region - 1,237 munitions.

Kherson region is next in the ranking of demining this week. There, 388 explosive items were found and destroyed.

Mykolaiv region is the third most mine-contaminated region. There, demining experts destroyed 151 shells.

Zaporizhzhya region closes the list, where Ukrainian sappers defused three dozen shells.

It is noted that as of February 18, an area of 1478.21 hectares has been demined (checked):

Kherson - 1279.96

Mykolaivska - 98.38

Kharkiv - 26.31

Zaporizhzhia - 73.56

Since the beginning of the large-scale aggression of the Russian Federation, units of the State Service of Ukraine for Specialized Transport Services have discovered, seized and defused 108553 explosive items.

Наразі 174 тис. квадратних кілометрів України забруднені російськими мінами та боєприпасами - Зеленський15.01.24, 20:19


The area of 61236.42 hectares was cleared of mines.

Water area - 21.66 hectares

Roads - 833.43 km

Railroad tracks - 2293.68 km

Power lines - 435.87 km

Gas pipelines - 40.46 km

We appeal to residents of the de-occupied territories to stay away from fields, forests, forest belts and water bodies! Do not drive off the roads to the side of the road! Only walk on hard surfaces. And if you see a suspicious object, do not approach it, do not touch it and call 101!

 ," the military reminded.


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