
Over 1000 Ukrainian families have already purchased new housing under the compensation program for homes destroyed by war

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More than 1,000 Ukrainian families have already used the certificates to buy new housing since the launch of the program to compensate them for their war-damaged homes earlier this year, Deputy Prime Minister and Head of the Ministry of Reconstruction Oleksandr Kubrakov said on Wednesday, UNN reports.

More than 1,000 Ukrainian families have already purchased new housing under the compensation program

- Kubrakov wrote on Facebook.

The compensation program for completely destroyed housing was actually launched earlier this year. "Over the past two months, we have seen a stable trend in the number of applications - today it is almost 11,000. The mechanics are now in place: the commission processes the application, calculates the amount of compensation and generates a certificate. After being notified of the certificate, you can choose a new home," he said.

As for those who have already purchased a new home:

- Most people bought housing in Kyiv region. This is followed by Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, and Chernihiv regions. Most applicants choose new housing within their region.

- The average amount of the certificate is UAH 1.8 million.

- The vast majority of housing certificate holders - 75% - choose apartments, and only a quarter choose private houses.

The certificate is valid for 5 years. It can be used to buy an apartment, house, or invest in real estate that is only under construction.


In January 2024, it also became possible to apply for compensation in the form of funds that can be used to rebuild a private house on one's own land plot. Over 600 people have applied for compensation since then, Kubrakov added.


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