
OpenAI co-founder launches rival artificial intelligence startup

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OpenAI co-founder Ilya Sutskever launches rival AI startup Safe Superintelligence (SSI) Inc., focused on creating secure artificial intelligence.

OpenAI co-founder Ilya Sutskever launches a competitive startup in the field of artificial intelligence, focused on "creating a secure superintelligence". Writes UNN with reference to The Financial Times and Spiegel.

One of the main inspirations for ChatGPT's success will compete with OpenAI: on Wednesday, Sutskever launched Safe Superintelligence (SSI) Inc, which calls itself "the world's first direct-shot SSI lab with one target and one product: safe superintelligence." This is also stated on page X of Ilya Sutskever.


OpenAI was founded in 2015 as a non-profit organization (NGO).

Open AI was planned as a non-profit startup, the founders considered artificial intelligence too important to leave its development only to large technology companies. The ultimate goal should not be profit, but the well-being of humanity.

Sutskever was one of the co-founders of OpenAI and was largely responsible for the scientific discoveries of ChatGPT. Other OpenAI co - founders include Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI. He returned to the position of CEO after being fired in November 2023.

Reuters: у США хочуть заборонити продаж програм Kaspersky через зв'язки компанії з рф20.06.24, 17:15

Sutskever was the centerpiece of the drama surrounding OpenAI boss Sam Altman's unexpected exclusion and subsequent reinstatement last November .

The Question " Where Is Ilya?"it became a meme in Silicon Valley because Sutskever left and didn't know what would happen to him next for a long time. An Israeli-Canadian computer scientist of Russian origin is considered a luminary in the research and development of artificial intelligence. - says Spiegel.

This isn't the first time OpenAI employees have abandoned the chatgpt maker to create "secure" AI systems. In 2021, Dario Amodei, the company's former head of artificial intelligence security, split his own startup, Anthropic, which raised Amazon 4 billion from Amazon and hundreds of millions more from venture capitalists at a valuation of more than.18 billion.

НАТО інвестує 1,1 мільярда доларів у штучний інтелект, роботів і космічні технології18.06.24, 12:03

Ilya Sutskever has two co-founders at Safe Superintelligence. These are Daniel Gross, who once worked on artificial intelligence at Apple, and Daniel Levy, who once worked with Satskever at OpenAI. Sutskever did not provide any specific details about what the new company's product will look like or how AI security will be guaranteed. He also kept silent about investors. However, it is obvious that the promise of "safe" and "superintelligence", enshrined directly in the name, combines two of the most important hype terms in the field of artificial intelligence.


UNN reported that Ilya Sutskever, co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer of OpenAI, left the company after almost 10 years of work,and Jakub Pachocki became the new Chief Scientific Officer.

Російський хакерів звинуватили у спробі зриву трансляції матчу Євро-2024 у Польщі20.06.24, 01:35

Ihor Telezhnikov

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