
Alerts about different types of threats have appeared in the Air Alert app

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The update of the Air Alert app will allow Ukrainians to receive important notifications about various threats, such as natural disasters, and provide instructions on how to proceed.

After the update, the Air Alert app will notify of various types of threats, natural disasters, and instructions for further action in such situations. This is stated in the blog of the application developer Ajax Systems, UNN reports.


Version 5.2 adds the ability to receive important notifications from the DMA and Civil Defense of Ukraine about various types of hazards, natural disasters, and instructions on how to proceed in such situations.

It is noted that unique notifications are created for each type of alarm. In addition to sound signals, the app also sends text messages with action recommendations.

The developer explains that this will help to notify a large number of people about critical situations, such as a dam break and the need to evacuate.

Information about all types of hazards comes from the civil defense alert centers and the SES

- noted in the description of the update.

Лише в разі загрози для міста: у Харкові змінили правила оголошення повітряної тривоги26.01.24, 16:38


The update is already available for iOS and Android users. To receive notifications of all types of alarms, install the Airborne Alarm app version 5.2. If the app did not update automatically, please update it manually or reinstall it.

In addition, in , the new version of the app improves the power saving mode, fixes errors with alarm sounds and status updates in pinned notifications.

For reference

The Airborne Alarm app was developed by Ajax Systems and Stfalcon with the support of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine.

Currently, you can receive warnings about missile attacks, artillery shelling, street fighting, radiation and chemical threats, natural disasters, and important alerts from the UIA and Civil Defense of Ukraine.


Ukraine has canceled the ban on the admission of animals to civil defense shelters during air raids. The amendment to the order was made to ensure everyone's right to protection.


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