
Military Cooperation Between North Korea and Russia Continues, Primarily in the Field of Missiles - Yusov

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Military cooperation between North Korea and Russia continues: North Korea supplies Russia with large volumes of shells, but there is no evidence that Russia asks for military equipment from North Korea, as it has sufficient stocks of old Soviet equipment.

Military cooperation between North Korea and Russia continues. The DPRK supplies Russia with shells, but so far there is no evidence that Russia has asked for military equipment from Korea, as it has had plenty of it since Soviet times. Andriy Yusov, a representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, said this during a telethon, UNN reports .

Cooperation, military cooperation between North Korea and Russia continues. The nomenclature is known. First of all, we are talking about shells, BCs. And this is the main thing that this state has helped Russia with in large volumes,

- Yusov said.


He noted that the issue of the DPRK's provision of military equipment to Russia has not been recorded.

"We have not recorded such things. Today, Russia has enough of its own stocks of old Soviet equipment. The issue of the quality of deconservation and modernization is what they are interested in," Yusov added.


Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh said that the US Department of Defense is concerned about the deepening relations between the DPRK and Russia, which, together with Iran, are fueling Russia on the battlefield in Ukraine.


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