
Mass media: NATO wants to create a new position for special representative in Ukraine

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NATO plans to establish a new post of senior civilian representative in Ukraine to strengthen its long-term commitments and coordinate support, including military assistance, to Ukraine amid the ongoing war with Russia.

NATO plans to create a new post of special representative in Ukraine to strengthen its long-term obligations to the country. This is reported by Foreign Policy, Reports UNN.


NATO is considering appointing a new permanent envoy to Ukraine, who will be based in Kiev, as the Alliance seeks to strengthen its long-term commitments to Ukraine amid the war with Russia

writes the publication.

According to the information, the plan will be presented in July 2024 at the NATO summit in Washington, it provides for the creation of a new post of "senior civilian representative" of NATO in Ukraine.

The new representative will coordinate the Alliance's support for Ukraine, in particular the flow of military assistance to Kiev from various Western countries.


According to journalists, the appointment of a high-ranking envoy would also be a political signal for both Ukraine and Russia about the Alliance's commitment to Kiev's struggle.

According to one NATO official, speaking on condition of anonymity, the creation of the post of Envoy is part of the consolation prize that they are trying to create.

This is another example of what we are doing instead of what Ukraine really wants us to do

the official said.

НАТО прагне розширити обмін розвідданими з Україною06.06.24, 23:45


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