
Kuleba met with Serbian Foreign Minister to discuss ways to develop bilateral cooperation

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Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba met with Serbian Foreign Minister Djuric in Belgrade to discuss the development of bilateral cooperation and the two countries' integration into the EU.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba met with Serbian Foreign Minister Marko Djuric to discuss ways to develop bilateral cooperation. The Ukrainian Foreign Minister wrote about this in the social network X, UNN reports .

In Belgrade, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Marko Djuric and I discussed ways to develop our bilateral cooperation. Minister Djurisic expressed his support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity. I reciprocated his support for Serbia. We also discussed the integration of our countries into the EU,

- the statement said.


Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba and First Lady Olena Zelenska made a surprise visit to Russia-friendly Serbia, signaling warming relations between the two countries despite Serbia's refusal to join international sanctions against Moscow over the war in Ukraine.


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